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Fremdwörter-Quiz - nur 1 Antwort ist richtig! Viel Spaß!

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Welche Antwort ist richtig in Sachen Geschäftsenglisch?

Mögen Sie die Oper in Hamburg? (I don´t know if you enjoy Hamburg Opera?) (!Do you like Hamburg Opera?) (!You taste Hamburg Opera?) (!Hamburg Oper - your thing?)

Was kostet ein Ticket? (!How much money cost the ticket?) (How much are the costs for a ticket?) (!What we have to pay for the ticket?) (!The ticket what does it cost?)

Peter, können Sie einen Brief verfassen? (Peter, could you make a letter?) (!Peter, can you wirte a letter?) (Peter, can you take a letter?) (!Peter, can you prepare a letter?)

Was möchten Sie trinken? (What are you having to drink?) (!Which drink do you want?) (!What a drink is your favourite?) (!What do you like to drink now?)

James, ich bleibe bei Ihnen. (I'll stay with you James.) (!James, I*m on your side.) (!James, I*m being beside you.)

Augenblick, ich stelle Sie durch - Telefon (Please wait a moment I'll put you through) (!A little time, you get the other line.) (!Moment please, I connect you.) (!Please wait, you can speak the person at once.)

zum Geschäftlichen kommen (down to the business) (!comming to the business things) (!going to the contract.) (!concentrate to the effect)

Sich sorgen bringt nichts. (Worrying will get you nowhere.) (!Do not worry looking forward.) (!Don't worry - think like a machine.) (!Don't think about mistakes - make solutions.)

Dürfte ich Herrn Miller sprechen? (!Is Mr Miller ready to phone?) (May I speak to Mr Miller?) (!Has Mr Miller time to speak to me?) (!Is Mr Miller ready to hear me?)

Ehrlickeit zahlt sich im Verkauf aus! (!Whithout honesty no future deal!) (Honesty pays in selling!) (!Be honest to the customers!) (!Honesty is important in selling!)

Wir profitieren doppelt an diesem Abschluss. (!We have a double profit by contract.) (We get double value from the deal.) (!We take two times profit by contract.) (!We use a double sales effect..)

Der Vertrag ist unter Dach und Fach. (!The deal is taken.) (The contract is under our belts.) (!The deal taken between roof and drawer.) (!The contract is signed.)

Er macht sich auf den Weg nach Köln. (He gets on the road to cologne.) (!He begins to go to cologne.) (!He goes on the way to cologne.) (!He starts driving to cologne.)

Die Vorführdame erreget unsere Aufmerksamkeit. (!The model keeps us in direction.) (The model catches our eyes.) (!Our view reaches the model.) (!We judge the eyes direcly to the model.)

den Überblick im Großraumbüro behalten (!to manage all tasks in big office) (!to handle control in multiple office) (to keep track of the plan office) (!to control head office's multi tasking)

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